Sunday Services
Online and in person - 10:00 am
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Ministry Theme: Gratitude
September 8: Ingathering Water Communion
Pies for Peace!
Multigenerational Service
Worship Leaders: Rev. Carolyn Patierno, Rev. Dr. Catriona Lanza, Perry Montrose
The water communion is a ritual rich in meaning. Bring a small vessel of water from home or from your travels to add to the common bowl. After the service, we will celebrate with Pies for Peace.
Good Neighbor Offering (GNO): Nonviolence Institute click here to learn more.
September 15
Worship Leader: Rev. Dr. Catriona Lanza
Food to the People: canned fruit (low sugar / in natural juices)
September 22
Worship Leader: Rev. Carolyn Patierno
Guest Preacher: Rev. Josh Pawelek
September 29: Climate Revival
Worship Leader: Rev. Carolyn Patierno