
Welcome to All Souls - where all souls are welcome!

All Souls Unitarian Universalist Congregation is a liberal religious congregation that nurtures lifelong spiritual development.


We covenant to create a welcoming, caring, justice seeking community within and beyond these walls.


  • Winter/Spring Death Cafes

    Here are the dates for our winter and spring Death Cafes: Thursday February 6 at 2 pm, Thursday March 6 at 2 pm,  Wednesday April 16 at 7 pm. Click here for more info!   "Enrich your life by talking about death."

  • Weekly Newsletter

    If you'd like to receive our weekly newsletter just contact our office administrator at office@allsouls.net and ask to be added to the eblast list.  

  • Sunday Services


    Sunday Services
     Online and in person - 10:00 am

    To join us online click here:   YouTube channel 

    Ministry Theme: Generosity


    February 9: "A Tale of Two Realities"
    Worship Leader: Rev. Dr. Catriona Lanza
    Liturgist: Kyle Murray

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” Continuing our theme of generosity, we’ll take a look at its antithesis, stinginess. And by gathering in worship we’ll (hopefully!) experience the spirit of generosity in its fullness. 

    Poetry Circle and Sci-Fi Social Justice gatherings after the service

    February 16
    Worship Leader: Rev. Carolyn Patierno
    Liturgist: Paul Carolan

    Good Neighbor Offering
    Food to the People: Soup

    February 23
    Worship Leader: Rev. Carolyn Patierno
    Liturgist: Rev. Dr. Catriona Lanza


    March 2: New Member Sunday!


    March 9


    March 16


    March 23


    March 30


  • Online Giving

  • Black Lives Matter Public Witness

    Black Lives Matter Public Witness

  • Refugees Welcome

  • Sanctuary Congregation