New to All Souls

What To Expect on Sunday Morning

All Souls is holding in-person services, in addition to continuing to stream online.   Please follow public health prevention measures such as distancing, hand washing, and staying home if you have any symptoms of respiratory illness.

Check out our home page for the YouTube link to our online services.


And now that we are back to in-person and online worship....
ere are some things you may wish to know:

How do I get to All Souls? We are located at 19 Jay Street in New London, CT.

What are Sunday services like? - Our Sunday worship services are the glowing center of our religious community. A typical service begins with opening music, a welcome from our minister, and the lighting of the chalice, the symbol of our Unitarian Universalist faith. There is a story for all ages, after which we sing the children out to their Faith Formation classes. This is often followed by a sharing of joys and concerns, prayer, silence and song. A reading is offered, followed by a thought provoking sermon. We collect an offering and and conclude our service with more music, a benediction and extinguishing our chalice. Throughout the year we have special services for the youth, new members, and holidays. Coffee hour and fellowship follow the service. Newcomers are encouraged to stay and visit the Welcome Table which is staffed by congregants who look forward to meeting you. 


Where do I park? – We have a large parking lot at our building at 19 Jay Street, with several parking spaces reserved for Sunday morning visitors and several handicapped parking spots. In addition, you can park in the courthouse parking lot on Cottage Street (just off Broad Street) which is adjacent to our parking lot and connected by a short set of stairs.

Is the building accessible? – Our Jay Street building is completely accessible, with no stairs to navigate, and with spots reserved in our sanctuary for wheelchair users and their companions. In addition we offer large print orders of worship and assistive listening devices. One of the greeters in our sanctuary would be happy to assist you with these.

What should I wear? - Please wear what you are comfortable with. Some people dress up to come to Sunday services and many dress more casually.  

Greeters - As you enter our building through the front door (under the maroon canopy) you will find a Visitor’s Table in the foyer, staffed by a friendly, volunteer greeter. Please sign our visitor register and let us know if you’d like to receive our weekly electronic newsletter. We encourage you to fill out a name tag so that we may learn your name.  Please include your pronouns. Our greeter can answer questions or direct you to our sanctuary, Unity Hall.

Faith Formation - If you arrive with children they are welcome to participate in our Faith Formation classes, which are grouped by age. The greeter at the visitor table in the foyer can direct you to our classrooms or introduce you to our Director of Faith Formation, Perry Montrose. Children and youth typically attend the first part of the service and leave for their classes after the Story for All Ages. Your children are also welcome to attend the entire service with you if they wish.


Nursery Care – During our service on a Sunday morning we have nursery care for children 3 and under, staffed by our nursery care providers. Infants and young children are also welcome to stay with their parents during the service.  

Do the people in this congregation hold diverse beliefs? - Yes. We come from many diverse backgrounds and faith traditions and we welcome people of all religious traditions and beliefs, as well as atheists, agnostics, and "nones". Unitarian Universalists affirm a diversity of religious ideas and support each person’s spiritual journey guided by reason and conscience.

What happens in the summer? - Summer services begin the last weekend of June and run through Labor Day.  Children from kindergarten through fourth grade gather for "Summer Fun and Games". Children fifth grade and older are encouraged to attend the service, which is lighter in nature and shorter in the summertime.

Where should I go if I have questions? – If you have questions you may speak to our greeters, ushers, our minister, or any member of the congregation that you see. We are a friendly bunch and if we can’t answer your question we will direct you to someone who can. In addition we have a pamphlet rack in the foyer with informational pamphlets about many aspects of Unitarian Universalism, and a Welcome Table in the back of Unity Hall with more information.

You can also send a message to and someone will get back to you.

Welcome to All Souls - where all souls are welcome!  We look forward to welcoming you to Unity Hall on Sunday morning or to our online service!