- Home
- Newcomers
- About Us
- Mission and Vision
- Ministerial Transition
- Our Beliefs, Shared Values and Historic Seven Principles
- Board of Trustees and Governance
- Caring Team/Pastoral Care
- Job Descriptions for Committee Chairs and Ministry Team Leaders
- Building Use
- Legacy Giving
- Jay Street Ministries LLC
- History of All Souls 1907 - 2007
- History of All Souls Gardens and Gardeners to 2018
- Faith Formation
- Sermons
- "A Question of Call"
- "Universalism's Love at the Center"
- "The Love that Will Not Die"
- "Our Responsibility and Our Joy"
- "Generosity of Spirit"
- "Three Minister's Walk into a Deli (Again) and They're Still Talking About Resilience, the End of Despair, and Love"
- "We Will Not Turn Away From the Infinite Capacity for Goodness"
- "To Ease the Pounding Heart By Quieting the Mind"
- "We're All in This Together"
- "The Myth of Closure"
- "Why Do We Go to Church"
- "Religious Pluralism and Indigenous Peoples"
- "I See You. I Need You. I Am You.: The Work of Pluralism"
- "Theological Transformation of Unitarian Universalism"
- "Sacred Space"
- "The Poetry of Summer"
- "Not Light, But Fire. Not the Gentle Shower, But Thunder"
- "Returning, Reunion, Restoration, Revelation"
- "Everything Matters"
- "Lost and Found and Prodigious Love"
- "Stories for Healing and Change"
- "In Between Times"
- "The Tender Gravity of Kindness"
- "Breakfast is Waiting"
- "Centering Love"
- "To Come Together"
- "Whimsy's Ways"
- "Radical Hospitality"
- "The Power of Place"
- "To Be of Use"
- "Does Time Heal All Wounds?"
- "We Begin Again in Love" Yom Kippur
- "But We Fight for Roses, Too"
- Praise Part 1: Plants and Trees
- "Inter Dependence"
- "Say What You Mean"
- "Brave Space"
- "Roll Away the Stone" Easter Sunday
- "Emergence of Spirit"
- "To Love the Earth More"
- "I Am Who I Am: Supporting Trans / Queer Children and Youth"
- "Everyone Cries. The Power of Community in Troubled Times"
- "Embody Peace as the World Wars"
- "Looking Cancer in the Eye"
- "Friends for Life"
- "Randomness and Order, How Potluck Have Got Me Thinking"
- "Relationship as the Path to Understanding"
- "Do the Simple Things Matter?"
- What is the Simple Life?
- "The Next Thing to be Done: Creating Heaven on Earth"
- Fear Not
- As We Anticipate This Mystery
- Lessons of Joy from "Day of the Dead" Celebrations
- Nothing Ends - Love is as Strong as Death
- Fountain of Sorrow - The Grief of an Entire Nation
- To Define Life's Edges
- Ministers/Staff
- Senior Minister: Reverend Carolyn Patierno
- Acting Associate Minister: Reverend Dr. Catriona Lanza
- Director of Faith Formation: Perry Montrose
- Office Administrator: Tammy Barber
- Choir Director: Jac Harris-Stone
- Faith Formation Administrator: Arlene Stoltz
- Audio-Visual Technician: Jesse Edwards
- Accompanist: Bil Groth
- Accompanist: Gery Elliott
- Technical Assistant: Adam Mathiason
- Bookkeeper: Georgiana McGlinchey
- Affiliate Minister: Rev. Mark Robel
- Custodian: Angela Hicks
- Social Justice & Good Works
- Connecting
- Sharing Circles
- Caring Team/Pastoral Care
- Meditation Sangha
- Legacy Giving
- Opportunities for Service
- Elderjourney
- Circle Suppers
- Death Cafes
- Choir
- Tag Sale
- Craft Circle
- Friday Night Folk
- Online Giving
- Find us on Facebook
- Online Giving
- Calendar