Jay Street Ministries LLC
A House of Hope
A little history - the following is a report on the renovation project that took place in 2016 to prepare 25 Jay Street to become our House of Hope for refugee families. Since that time, four families and one individual have made this house their home.
From the 2016-2017 Annual Report: 25 JAY STREET RENOVATION TEAM Report
After nine months of renovation, our “house of hospitality” was born. Soon after we closed on the property –April 26, 2016 - a group of Souls met with Reverend Carolyn to begin planning the needed renovation. We identified Ted Olynciw, a retired builder active with the Homeless Hospitality Center, as a volunteer project advisor. Ted created a general work plan for us, which turned out to be an excellent guide, and the adventure began.
We got busy that very day and applied for New London’s HUD grant to pay for lead abatement in our 1852 house. With that funding in place, we began recruiting volunteers, getting costs and estimates, building our budget, making decisions about materials and colors, prioritizing tasks. We read the Home Inspection report and addressed each issue. We had a $30,000 budget.
Before the lead project began, our first work party on June 4 removed three floors of carpeting and hauled it to the dump. We chose contractors for painting the ceiling, refinishing the wood floors, providing blown-in insulation (our biggest cost), electric, plumbing and heating, new locks, and re-glazing a tub and shower. Nearly all the other work was done by volunteers, starting as soon as the lead abatement was complete and Ledge Light Health District tested water and painted surfaces, giving us the “all clear.” We also met with New London’s building inspector, who told us that the third floor could not be used as living space because there was not enough headroom. That space is now an attic, with a locked door.
Over the next months, teams of Souls (and individuals) worked on every possible task – washing and painting walls, carpentry and restoration, including stabilizing the house and attending to “the sag.” Replacing doors, installing window blinds, cleaning light fixtures and replacing bulbs, installing new kitchen cabinets and vinyl flooring (donated by General Woodcraft), replacing the first-floor kitchen ceiling, moving pipes, installing a brand new, donated gas range, cleaning up the yard, repairing railings, scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning appliances, purchasing fixtures and supplies, making dump runs. Every surface in the house has been cleaned, refinished, or replaced. Maintenance on systems deferred for decades has been completed. The Board of Trustees gave an “hour of power” to assist. Crossroads Presbyterian Church sent a “worship without walls” team to help, and the All Souls Youth Group spent a Sunday morning painting.
In addition to renovating, All Souls furnished the house with everything needed for our new neighbors: furniture, rugs, lamps, linens, kitchen supplies (from our June 2016 tag sale), vacuum cleaner, ironing board, microwave, toys and books, and new mattresses. Our partners at StartFresh also brought furnishings to donate. The middle school Religious Education class and their parents donated cleaning supplies. The Meditation Group donated personal care items. Our friends at Niantic Community Church filled the pantry and refrigerator with food to last at least three weeks. We held two “open house” viewings for the Congregation, and Souls cheerfully hauled supplies and furniture to the nearly completed house. The mayor stopped by to take a look, as did Ted Olynciw. They were both impressed!
All along, we had thought we were creating two apartments (one up, one down) but, late in the game, we learned that one family of six would be moving in, so we quickly reorganized all the furniture to create a one family home!
From our first meeting in May to the “move in day” (February 8, 2017, nine months) this has been a labor of love. The Congregation had a compelling vision and came together, week after week, to make it real. Over 60 Souls and friends of Souls participated. Through their generosity, talent, professional expertise, and physical labor, and with the support of StartFresh and the City of New London, we were ready to welcome the first family on February 8 at 12:30 p.m.
This month, May 2017, the final two projects have been completed: the installation of a backyard fence and a motion-sensitive side porch light.
The team was accountable to the shared goal and to each other. We “got ‘er done” on time and on budget. The Reno Team’s work is completed. What a joy to work with so many good souls. Thank you all, each and every one.
The 25 Jay Street Reno Team: Pat Abraham, Clare Evento, Jan Larson, Lynn Tavormina