Sunday Services
Online and in person - 10:00 am
To join us online click here: YouTube channel
Ministry Theme: Humility
March 23: "A Tale of Two Realities"
Worship Leader: Rev. Catriona Lanza
Liturgist: Sue Frankewicz
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” We’ll take a look at generosity's antithesis, stingy-ness. And by gathering in worship we’ll (hopefully!) experience the spirit of generosity in its fullness.
Special Friends Reveal Pizza Party follows the service.
March 30
Worship Leader: Rev. Carolyn Patierno
Liturgist: Maggie Clouet
Town Hall meeting to provide updates on Jay Street Ministries LLC follows the service.
Poetry Circle meets after the service.
Ministry Theme: Reverence
April 6: Coming of Age service
April 13
April 20 - Easter
April 27